Vancouver ->Kelowna
Average Price: $80.98, exact price depends on departure selected. Adult and Child rates are the same.
Vancouver ->Kamloops
Average Price: $72.72, exact price depends on departure selected. Adult and Child rates are the same.
Fares for Other Stops
It is possible to select other pickup and drop off locations besides Kamloops & Kelowna. Exact Fares and Schedules for Kelowna, Kamloops, and any other locations are available as part of the ticket purchase process.
Changes and Cancellations
Call by phone at 1-877-769-3287.
Changes can be made for a $15.75 fee up until departure time. Missing a departure forfeits the trip, and a new fare is required.
Ebus BC: Fares fully refundable up to 24 hours prior to departure.
The BC Connector works in partnership with the Ebus coach bus from Vancouver to Kamloops/Kelowna.
Please note that the bus you will be looking to board will be co‐branded.
General Travel Information
Kelowna Downtown
Stop is located at 516 Lawrence Ave, Kelowna BC. Please arrive 20min prior to departure for check-in.
Kamloops Downtown
Location: Sahali Mall, 945 Columbia St W, Kamloops BC. Please arrive 20min prior to departure at ticket office for check-in. Ticket office is located in the mall across from Inky’s and Hair Clips.
Pickup/Drop Off: Go to the right of the Fox & Hound Pub, and continue into the small parking area at the back of the mall (NE entrance). Location is found at the ticket office’s back door.
Vancouver Bus Depot
Stop is located at the Vancouver Bus Depot, 1150 Station Street, Vancouver BC. Please arrive 20min prior to departure for check-in. Ebus usually loads in Bay #3 or Bay #4.
Additional Locations
For more locations available on the service, please visit the Ebus Destinations page.
Luggage Policy
Passengers are allowed three (3) pieces of luggage in total (which includes your carry-on bag) as part of your ticket. Your carry-on bag* must be able to fit into the overhead compartment, and only one (1) bag per person is allowed, with essential items only. The maximum number of pieces allowed on is six (6), and there will be extra baggage charges for any bags beyond the three included with your ticket.
For a more detailed luggage policy including restricted/prohibited items, extra baggage fees, size and weight limitations, etc. please visit the Ebus Frequently Asked Questions page.
Carry-on items*
*Please note that due to enhanced safety measures, only one carry-on is permitted per person. Carry-on items are restricted to essential items only. This includes water, medications, electronic devices, etc. All carry-on items must be kept in the overhead compartment and cannot be stored underneath the seat.
- Carry-on items must fit in the overhead bins and can include briefcases, laptop bags, purses, small back packs, diaper bags, and such.
- Carry-on items must be stored in the overhead bins during travel.
- Due to safety issues, carry-on items cannot be placed on empty seats as it could become a projectile in the case of a sudden stop.
- The aisle must be kept clear of carry-on items, including shoulder straps.
- Alcohol is not permitted on board under any circumstances.
- Weight limit is 50lbs per bag.
- The following items should always be carried in your carry-on to limit the possibility of loss or damage: laptop computers, car and house keys, medication, cash, high value items such as cameras, jewelry, and electronic devices.
Dimensions of Overhead Bins
60” wide, 10” deep, 8¾” high angling to 7½” high at the back.
Essential Items
Items deemed essential for the well-being of our passengers will be transported at no charge. These items would include: walking or mobility aids/devices, car seats, and oxygen canisters.
More Questions?
Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions for our partner Ebus if you have any additional questions such as Wheelchairs, Strollers, Pets, Child Seats, Mandatory IDs, and more.
The BC Connector works in partnership with the Ebus coach bus from Vancouver to Kamloops/Kelowna.
Please note that the bus you will be looking to board will be co‐branded.